Winner of TGPR 2020
Race 2020 result FINAL RACE FROM 530 KM TGPR 2019875 pigeons were released Nongkai province, 530 km northeast of the loft in Bangkok City at 7.00 am on January 8, 2020. This number reflected a big loss of 757 birds from 1,362 birds (or 46.39%) entered in the smash race from 430 km two weeks ago due to bad weather. There were 474 local pigeons in the final and 401 birds from international participants. The foreign birds had a better percentage of survival rate, 35.65% of the original registered 1,125 birds from abroad compared to 31.5 % of the Thai
Qualifying flight from 100 km on 29/10/201
Basketing qualifying flight from 100 km on 29/10/2019 1600 birds released at 7.40 this morning from 100 km qualifying flight. First arrivals at 8.53
TGPR 2019 Race Time table
Basketing Race Date Qualify 100 km flight October 28 October 29 Hot Spot 1: 330 km (from Wang yai) December 10 December 11 Hot Spot 2: 430 km(from Nong Bualumpoo) December 24 December 25 Final Race: 530 km (from Nongkai) January 7, 2020 January 8-9, Thank You Party and Award Presentation Ceremony: January 9, 2020 starting 18.30 pm Venue: Ramada Plaza Menam Riverside Hotel Note: In this party there will be an auction of about 20 top prize winning pigeons Dress: Smart Casual Hotel Reservation: Guests of TGPR 2019 can directly make reservation at our recommended Ramada Plaza Menam Riverside Hotel. Website
2019 participant list
>>>> Local participants >>>> International participants
TGPR 2019 (for international entrants only)
Entry Fee: Euro 150 per bird. A team of10 pigeons is entitled to a bonus prize money of Euro 5,000 if the team wins the Team in Championship. Identity of each team members is fixed and not interchangeable among teams once registered. An initial fee of Euro 150 per one team of ten birds must be paid when the birds are collected. For example, sending 1 bird up to 10 birds requires 150 Euro deposit. 11 up to 20 birds is subject to the initial fee of Euro 300. This initial fee is not refundable. The rest of the entry fee
Final Races TGPR 2018
2018 FINAL Race
TGPR Final King Cup Race 530 km, January 8-9,2018 The final race this year was much harder than expectation when only 23 birds could return in day one from the total field of 1031 birds. We were lucky never had suffered a real bad weather day and much training losses, but this last official flight was a real test of stamina and courage. The temperature in Nongkai at 7.10 a.m. when the birds were released was around 23 Celsius but it rose quickly along with the sun en-route to Bangkok where thermometer hit 25-37 Celsius at noon till late afternoon.
TGPR 2018 Hotspot 2 result
TGPR 2018 Hotspot 2 2018
Hot Spot 2; December 25, 2018 The number of birds basketed for this race was 1269 which was just 40 less than the number released from 330 km in Hot Spot 1 two weeks earlier when the winning speed was higher than 1,727 mpm. The number of day-bird in that race was at a record of 1,223 birds or 93.43%. This time, the athletes started their journey from 430 km at 6.50 am in ideal weather condition, 19 Celsius, clear sky with slight tail wind of about 9 km/hour. However, they might have met the harder condition with rising temperature
TGPR 2018 Hotspot 1 result
1st prize Hotspot 1 R18-63481 Entered by: Rai Prom Dan Syndicate 2nd Prize R18-56767 By Pumiphat-Arthron 3rd Prize Winner R18-55052 By Boonchuay/Sant-Pichai
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